Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tulane University
- Assistant Profrssor, Islamic/Middle Eastern history


Anonymous said...

Is it safe to be in New Orleans? How are Tulane and Loyola doing financialy?

Anonymous said...

New Orleans is still vulnerable to hurricanes, more vulnerable than before Katrina. And the city is still in bad shape. That said, Tulane has come a long way in the past year. It has always been relatively poor, and it is very dependent on tuition. Enrollment is down, and that's a problem. Nonetheless, the history department is pretty insulated from the university's financial problems--it was one of the few programs in Arts and Sciences to retain its Ph.D. program--and you wouldn't need to worry about the fate of your job, barring a new catastrophe. The history department isn't the most congenial place in the universe, but there are some great people there. This still should count as a good job.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your insight…I will apply and hope Mother Nature cooperates.